Home First child, a simple Flutter app on both iOS and Android platform - Handy Tools

First child, a simple Flutter app on both iOS and Android platform - Handy Tools

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For almost a decade working as a iOS Developer, I almost stick with iOS platform and native framework Objective-C and Swift. Now, I know that it kinda late to switch to hybrid framework but late is better than never. I did spent time to study Flutter for months now. Although at first glance I think it will be hard and not powerful as native frameworks, but with large community and thanks to Google, I got the basic thinking flow of Flutter and made a first app. It just a tool app to demonstrate what I’ve learn so far, so it doesn’t matter you use it or not.

What I’ve learn when doing this project is

  • Basic Flutter layouts (Container, Sizedbox, Column, Row, Text, Stack, Positioned, …)
  • Get used to using 3rd-party package. This is the most powerful aspect when develop with Flutter, almost everything are provided with packages.
  • Learn basic Android application submission (as an iOS developer)

Some screenshots for Handy Tools

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